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31 products found
  • Cejay Hilton exotic oiling

    Exotic beauty Cejay Hilton oils up her hard female muscle....she then flexes and poses showing off her lovely ripped physique.  12:24min  .mp4  741mb

     Visit: MuscleAngels.com 

    • $8.00
  • Megan Abshire: Oil Glistening Muscles

    Megan Abshire: Glistening Muscles. Megan is out on the back deck sunning herself....applying oil and showing off her muscular body while she lounges in the sun. Megan looks absolutely luscious with nice slippery oil coating her massive curves.
    3:57 min |.MP4format | 180 MB

    For More Megan videos visit: MuscleAngels.com

    • $3.00
  • Megan Avalon : Barbie's Butt Tease

    Megan Avalon ~ Barbie's Butt Tease. 'Barbie with Muscles' oils up and talks about her muscles..she shows off and teases with her sexy muscular curves and invites you to take a nice close look at her firm tight round glutes. Super yummy.
    6:09 min | .MP4 format | 281 MB

    • $5.00
  • Debbie Bramwell 'Oiled and Flexing'

    Debbie Bramwell  'Oiled and Flexing'.  Debbie is posing for you outside in the Vegas heat...oiled up and glistening in the sun. Lots of great leg and hamstring shots, most musculars and a pec bounce.
    5:04 min | mp4 format | 238 MB | $5.99 

    Tons of Debbie in the MuscleAngels.com member's section!

    • $5.00
  • Kashma Maharaj Exotic Full Body Flex

    Kashma Maharaj  Exotic Full Body Flex. Kashma is in superb contest shape in this video...hard and tanned; her skin glistening with a light touch of oil she poses every bodypart. This video is shot steadily; wide angle full body shots as well as zooms on everything. Set to music but not edited at all, she takes over and flows very nicely from pose to pose. Kashma is a perfect muscle beauty.
    7:25 min | mp4 format | 346 MB 

    For more of her please visit MuscleAngels.com        

    • $7.00
  • Marina Topless Tease and Flex

    Marina Topless Tease and Flex. Marina is flexing and showing off her amazing lean and hard upper body....she takes off her top and rubs lotion all over to make her beautiful pecs glisten. Some sexy flexing followed by a little water teasing as she continues her erotic muscle show.
    5:45 min | mp4 format | 267 MB

    • $6.00
  • Jennifer Kennedy ~ Oiled and Hard

    Jennifer Kennedy ~ Oiled and Hard. Dripping wet with oil, super hard whole body flexing, pecbouncing and most musculars....Jenni is out in the sun striated and hard from competition just the day before. Very Sexy.
    5:43 min | mp4 format | 261 MB

    • $5.00
  • Karen Garrett ~ Oiled-up Muscle

    Karen Garrett ~ Oiled-up Muscle. Karen is a hardcore muscle-packed exotic beauty; watch her get wet out by the pool and then oiling to make her muscles bulge. Hardcore flexing, most musculars and pec rippling; the veins in her massive quads are popping!
    5:42 min | mp4 format | 261 MB

    • $5.00
  • Lisa Giesbrecht ~ Hard, Ripped, Oiled

    Lisa Giesbrecht ~ Hard, Ripped, Oiled. Unbelievably vascular and hard, Lisa applies oil all over and flexes her muscles. She starts with her sexy arms, rubbing oil into the deep cuts and biceps peaks; she moves to her chest and flexes her pecs very sexily....then down to her hard tight abs. Now comes the legs. This footage is out of this world; the veins literally cover every inch of her quads, hamstrings and calves. Lisa very seductively applies the oil and reveals every cut, bulge and sweeping muscle belly. Extremely HOT.
    10:29 min | mp4 format | 476 MB 

    Lots of Lisa in the MuscleAngels.com member's area!

    • $8.00
  • Alina Popa ~ Glistening Poolside Muscle

    Alina Popa ~ Glistening Poolside Muscle. Alina is one day post competition...full, ripped and oiled up by the pool flexing in the sun. All bodyparts, full and closeups. She is one of the most beautiful female bodybuilders in the world; perfect posing, perfect face, perfect muscles.
    6:57 min | mp4 format | 320 MB

    • $6.00
  • Margie Martin ~ Oiled Ebony Muscle

    Margie Martin ~ Oiled Ebony Muscle. Huge muscle and beauty collide in this video of one of the most muscular goddesses in the sport today. Margie is absolutely magnificent; full hard curves and cuts and deep separations cover her from head to toe. Sexy scene as she drizzles oil all over and then flexes!
    6:06 min | MP4 format | 270 MB 

    Tons more Margie on MuscleAngels.com

    • $5.00
  • Marina ~ Oiled to Perfection

    Marina ~ Oiled to Perfection. That about sums up this hot as hell upper body oiling scene with beautiful and exotic muscle woman, Marina. She looks perfect with her muscles and gorgeous chest expanding while she oils herself and then flexes....VERY hot!
    5:31 min | MP4 format | 244 MB

    • $5.00
Products: 112 of 31